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"Penetra Le Tenebre"

The Shadow Warrior Association (SWA) is a nonprofit, private organization created to honor the history and legacy of the 112th Signal Battalion (Special Operations) (Airborne). Located on Fort Bragg, North Carolina, the SWA accomplishes its charter by providing educational scholarships to the both 112th Soldiers and the children of 112th Soldiers, providing recognition to outstanding members of the signal community, and by ensuring the future prosperity of the 112th Signal Battalion.

There are several categories of membership, please review the following to see which one you are eligible to apply for on the application form.

Regular Membership

Any person who has been assigned, or attached to, and honorably served with the 112th Signal Battalion (SO) (A), under competent orders, shall be eligible for Regular Membership to include membership in organizations with a direct lineage to the 112th Signal Battalion (SO) (A). Examples of lineage would include the 512th Signal Company, 112th Airborne Army Signal Bn and SOCEUR Signal Detachment.

Any applicant for Regular Membership shall first file with the Secretary an Application for Membership, or such forms as shall be prescribed by the Board of Directors, accompanied by payment in full of initiation fees and dues in US money currency. Such applicant shall become a Regular Member on approval of the Application by the Secretary.

No applicant, having made proper application and possessing the foregoing qualifications, shall be denied membership in the association, provided however, that the Board of Directors may, at its discretion, refuse membership to any applicant who at any time during or since his service in The 112th Signal Battalion (SO)(A) has exhibited conduct unbecoming a member of the SWA.

Associate Membership

Any person who actively supports the mission, goals and high standards of performance of the 112th Signal Battalion (SO) (A) and the SWA may be selected for Associate Membership of The Shadow Warrior Association by the Board of Directors. Any Regular Member of The Association may propose a candidate for Associate Membership, by written recommendation, to the Board of Directors stating the qualifications of that candidate.

  • Associate Membership may be denied or withdrawn for reasons of conduct unbecoming a member of the SWA.
  • Associate Members are not eligible to become president of the SWA.


Any person whose activities have exemplified the ideals of service to the nation, the US Army Signal Corps or the 112th Signal Battalion (SO)(A) may be elected an Honorary Member of The Association by the Board of Directors. Any member of The Association may propose a candidate for Honorary Member, by written recommendation, to the Board of Directors stating the qualifications of that candidate.

  • Honorary Members are selected for life and require no dues payment. Honorary Members shall be presented at the annual Shadow Ball.
  • The Board of Directors may withdraw any Honorary Membership with a majority vote for reasons of conduct unbecoming a member of the SWA.

Application Form

Download the SWA application form for payment by check.

For PayPal payments complete the online application form.

Mission Statement:

“To preserve the history of, and build the future of, the only Airborne Signal Battalion in the US Army.”

Our Goals:

  • We must do everything in our power to ensure the current and future viability of the Army’s only Airborne Signal Bn.
  • We must also preserve and highlight the history and accomplishments of the 112th and its soldiers.
  • We must help to care for current and past 112th Soldiers and their families.
  • We must strengthen the bonds among 112th Soldiers to support camaraderie among alumni.

Constitution and Bylaws

Please take the opportunity to look through the Shadow Warrior Association's constitution and bylaws:

Shadow Warrior Association, PO Box 70677, Fort Bragg, NC 28307

Photo Credit: Home Page Header Image Courtesy of Stuart Brown.

Copyright 2014-2017

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